Follow jmassatALF
I make comics and games with the
Quinlan Circle
. This is just the account I use to buy stuff.
Quinlan Circle: Comics and Games
Our Powers Combined!
A Saturday morning powered by Push
Joi Massat
StarCrash!! with Jeff Desktop BG Pack: Three Jetters
Three backgrounds for $1!
Joi Massat
StarCrash!! with Jeff
Magical girls IN SPACE! (with Jeff)
Joi Massat
Cool Games I Should Review Soon
The Nostalgia for Norull / La Nostalgia por Norull / A Nostalgia por Norull
A fantasy adventure game for 1-4 players based on the Push SRD
Tragos Games
Push SRD
A story-first, push-your-luck system for your games
Cezar Capacle
Build action packed, illuminated RPGs
Gila RPGs
you are on a strange planet and have 7 days to live